Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tell Me What To Do

Extra Credit Blog Post:

This is your chance to tell me what to do. What would you change about Civics this year? Was there an assignment that you really didn't like this year? What was something that you liked a lot and you think I should do it again next year. This is NOT MANDATORY! This is just an extra credit opportunity. I would have loved the chance to tell my teachers what to do when I was in school- it doesn't happen that often!!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

8th Grade Survival Guide

It's almost here- the end of 8th grade! I want you to create an 8th grade survival guide for the students that will take your place next year.

Part I: Leave a comment for this post (classwork grade). Discuss how this year has been for you. What have you learned that sticks out to you? What life lessons will you take away from your time here at Windsor Middle School?

Part II: Open a Word document and type a letter to a current 7th grader. Explain to them what 8th grade was like for you and what it will be like for them.
Then, create a booklet of pictures, terms, quotes, and advice for the 8th graders to survive the 2010-2011 school year (at least 10-15 entries). This should be fun and creative. This will also be a quiz grade. When you are finished, e-mail yourself or me what you have done so far and I will save it in drop i.o for you to access later. My e-mail address is

Have fun with this!