Monday, March 22, 2010

New Business Project

Reflect on the new business project that you are doing this week. Was day one hard? Using what you did in class today (making your budget) complete the following:

Open the PowerPoint attached and answer the following questions:

Activity 1:

What will you choose for the prom?




Activity 2:

Look at Jim’s monthly budget. What changes do you think he should make in his monthly spending? BE SPECIFIC.


  1. bands:the national debt
    place:the valley country club
    refreshments:catered fancy
    activity 2:he shouldnt buy a new car and stop listenin to music


  2. Tommie Curtis!
    for the band i choose the Rolling Rockers for $8,000 and it will be held at the Two Seasons Hotel for 2,000 and finally the refreshments and decorations will be catered with fancy snacks and decorations!
    He should choose no to buy the new stereo and instead save up to pay of the money he owes on his car. Good credit is important. Then once he pays off his car he can then move out and live by himself and slowly save money to get a new car which will have a great stereo in it!

  3. Morgan M. Burks:)
    Picking the location was the hardest part.
    Bands:The National Debt
    place:American Legion Hall
    refreshments:catered-snacks and decorations
    activity 2:he should keep the stuff he has because they get the job done and he cant afford the others.

  4. - Austin McCaskey

    Bands: 8,000 Rolling Rocks

    Place: 3,000 Valley Country Club

    Refreshments: 5,000 Package Deal

    I think he should stop buying things he doesn't need because soon he will go into debt.

  5. for activity 1: for the bands i would do the plain,loud,and cheap local rock and roll band.
    for theplace i would do the valley country club.
    for refreshments catered snack and decoration.
    i wouldnt change anything.....

  6. Zach S.

    Bands: 8,000 the Rolling Rocks

    Place: 3,000 valley country club

    Refreshments: Package Deal

    activity 2:
    I think he should stop buying the things he doesn't need like cds, newspapers, and gifts so he will have more $$ an he will not go int debt.

  7. Activity 1
    8,000- The Rolling Rocks
    2,000- The Two Seasons Hotel
    1,000- Catered Snacks and Decoration

    Activity 2
    He should take out the hunt club, bowling, and CD's. Because he doesn't need to go to a hunt club with the budget he has, he doesn't need to go bowling because he can find cheaper ways to have fun, and he shouldn't buy CD's because you can get free music from the internet.

  8. Robert Spencer
    He could spend less money on birthdays and stuff to read. Or he could stop eating out for a few months and cook more or buy ramen noodles and rice.

  9. Bands- The Rolling Rocks
    Place- The Two Season Hotel
    Refreshments- Package Deal

    He Could spend less on gifts and stuff to read. He could also try to quit eating out for a few months. He could cook at home more.

  10. Activity 1:

    Bands: The National Debt- A popular New Group

    Place: The Valley Country Club

    Refreshments: Catered-fancy snacks and fancy decorations

    Activity 2:

    Buy a new car that cost less and lowers his car payments.

    Megan Hatfield (Sorry I didn't finish.)

  11. The rolling rocks
    american legion hall
    catered snacks and decorations
    change eating out bowling cd's gifts


  12. Activity 1: Planning the prom Bands Available

    What will you choose for the prom? The National Debt-a popular new group

    Bands:The National Debt-a popular new group

    Place:American Legion Hall

    Refreshments: Catered-snacks and decorations

    Activity 2:Scarcity, Choice, and Decisions

  13. By: Elizabeth Pritchard
    Band:Busting Gourds
    Place:American Legion Hall
    Refreshments:Catered-fancy snack and fancy decorations

    Activity 2:stop spending money on CD's, bowling, stop eating out, and drive as safely as possible so you don't get in a car accident

  14. Philadelphia Transit Authority
    The Valley Country cub
    catered fancy and decorations

  15. i think that he should change how he spends on the different things he spends the most on..... aaron elder

  16. Part 1:)
    Bands: Philidelphia Transit Authority
    Place:bTwo Seasons Hotel
    Refreshments: Catered- Fancy snacks and Fancy decoration.

    Part 2=]
    Jim shouldn't have bought a new house because the price at first was $365 %560 + utilities!

  17. Act1:
    Band: National Debt
    Place:The 2 seasons hotel
    Refreshments:Package deal
    No he wont make this party monthly

    I think that he needs to pay off his house payment first, then get the money that he owes for the car delt with. He can do this by saving the money from his job and his savings. He Also doesnt need to buy the music system he wants until his debts are paid off.

  18. Act 1:
    Band; Busting Gourds
    Place: Valley Country Club
    Refreshments: Catered
    all together that is 8,500 .

    Act 2:
    I think Jim shouldve worried about the paymentss he would've had to pay , and he shouldve had a better plan. And also Jim now has to choose what he would rather have first. I think before he moves out he shol go ahead and deal with his car and then he can move out after a few car payments. And during his payments he can eat in and do more stuff that would save his money faster . So he can get out his friends apartment !
    i know that drove him crazzy, (:

  19. Day one was not hard. My partners in my group are very creative and have great ideas! We pretty much agreed on just about everything!

    For prom, i would choose Philadelphia Transit Authority, it would be at the Valley Country Club and we would have to Package Deal for refreshments and catering.

    Don't buy any CDs, and try not to go out to eat as much.


  20. Allyssa-
    Activity 1:
    Band- The National Dept
    Place- The Two Seasons Hotel
    Refreshments- Catered- Fancy snacks and decorations
    Activity 2:bowling,CD's, eating out

  21. TYLER H
    Band: National Debt
    Place:The 2 seasons hotel
    Refreshments:Package deal
    No he wont make this party monthly

    He should pay off his house payment first, then get the money that he owes for the car done with.

  22. Good job so far- you guys are making some good comments :) Keep it up! Respond to things that other people are saying too.

  23. I had a lot of fun on day one, making the decison for the place to have our business was the hardest.


    -Activity 1:
    Bands-national debt
    Place-The Valley Country Club
    Refreshments-Package deal

    Activity 2:
    I think that he should pay off more of his car payments before he moves out of the apartment. Right now i thnk it is pretty smart to share costs of the apartment but i do think he worried to much about the costs he would have to pay and should of had a better plan that way he wouldnt be worried about it right now.
