Monday, October 12, 2009

Christopher Columbus

With our recent discussion of exploration and the fact that today is Columbus Day- I thought we should spend the week discussing Christopher Columbus and what did for our nation. Visit the following link:

Read all about Christopher Columbus and then give a three-to-five sentence summary of Christopher Columbus' journeys and adventures. Please respond by October 18th, 2009 in order to receive full credit.


  1. Christopher Columbus sailed to England when he was 25 and there he opened up a shop where he sold maps and books for sailors. He read a book by Marco Polo and that inspired him that he could sail west to get to Asia.He went to the king of Spain and asked him if he could test his hypothesis at first he refused but soon after he gave him 3 ships 90 cew members and some money. In 1492 Columbus the voyage started his crew was afaraid of the unknown seas. But then on October 12 with 71 days of sailing he reached the Americas.

  2. Christopher Columbus was a brave man, detetmined man. He made many voyages to the New World which inspired many other later explorers. He was very courages to sail to a land never eplored before. I believe that without Cloumbus we would not be as far in technology, science, medicane and things like that as we are now.

  3. Christopher Columbus lived by the Mediterranean Sea growing up so he wanted to be a sailor.In his teen years and on he sailed Italian ships.After that he opened a shop for sailors.When reading a book he had the idea of accomplishing the task of traveling west to the Indies so hed asked the King of Portugal.Columbus was denied, he asked other kings and queeens.In 1492 his voyage began, the trip was not easy for Columbus or his crew. They faced terrible obstacles.His voyage ended on Oct.12 they'd reached shore in what is now Florida but Columbus thought he was in the west Indies.After the voyage he sailde to America three more times.
    - Overall Christopher Columbus was great man and explorer.He was also very brave, courageous, and risk taking to cross the dangerous ocean.He never gave up his dream of sailng, no matter how many times he was rejected to go on just one voyage.By just traveling to America so many times made other people want to go starting settlements there.

  4. Christopher Columbus was born in the year 1451 he always longed to be a sailor. And in the year 1492 that longing became reality. The trip was not easy most of the people beleived that if they sailed far enough they would fall off the earth. Because the earth was rumered to be flat. He found land....and he continued to come back to america to claim more for his country spain.
    -Christian Mayer

  5. Cristopher Columbus sailed the Atlantic ocean in 1492.Insted of landing in Virgina,he landed down south of the U.S. He failed to acomplish where he WANTED to go but didn't.

  6. Phillip said,

    When Columbus first wanted to sail to the Indes, he could not find any one to sponcer his trip. He finally got a king and queen to. Columbus reached what he thought was the Indes and called the natives he found there Indians because of that.

  7. Columbus tried so hard just to get permission to go on this voyage he had to go to the king and queen for permission. Once he was finally allowed to go on his trip he had a long and hard voyage through the Atlantic and once he got to the new world he thought he was in the indies so he named the people there indians.
    By: Mandy Bartholomew

  8. Waverli said,
    Christopher Columbus was a determined man to have made the decision that he did. He did this with many doubting his sanity, then later being called one of the creators of America. His discovery of the world being round lead to many other discoveries, one of which he never knew about. He got to America, thinking he was in India and died thinking he discovered a new route to India.

  9. Christopher Columbus was chasing after a fantasy when he was trying to find the fountain of youth. He was very brave because many thought he was insane!! They thought he was going to fall off the Earth! Thank you Columbus for finding the Bahamas!!!!!!!!!!


  10. Christopher Columbus started sailing when he was a little older than us. I bet he loved it when he sailed in 1492. If i were him, i wouldn't be able to sail that long.

  11. He was very smart but it would of help if he had todays explorational tools.He is the reason we call American indians what we do. The reason he called them indians is because when he landed, he thought he was in the indies. Christopher Columbus was also brave and in our own way we all think something different of him.


  12. Christopher Columbus tried and tried to get 3 ships and some men. He went to so many different kings and queens. Everybody refused, Until, he went to the king and queen of Spain. At first, the both disagreed. But, the finally said yes. They gave him 3 ships, Niña, Pinta, and Santa María. They also gave him about 90 men for crew, and some money. The trip wasn't easy. They feared the unknown of the sea. They were afraid of sea monsters. They also believed the world was flat, so if they kept going, the would fall of the dead end of the world. When the men saw a volcano erupting, they started believing in bad signs. After a 71 day voyage land was found. Columbus and his men put a flag in the sand. When they were back home, Columbus returned to America 3 more times. He died on May 20, 1506, in Spain

    By: Ellie (:

  13. Christopher columbus is a very famous explorer.He traveled to the new world 4 times.His first sail was when he was 25.He and about 90 crew members aboarded three ships[The Nina,Pinta and Santa Maria.]He thought he was in the Indies so he called the Native Americans Indians.He sailed three more times to the New world.He died a average man on May 20,1506 in Spain.
    -Jordan Todd

  14. Zane said, Columbus was a brave and noble . He was born in Genoa Italy 1451 . At age 14 Columbus was already sailing Itallian ships. Later at 25 years Columbus was attacked by French pirates. Columbus then read a book by Marco Polo this inspired him to go to the Indies.Christopher thought he had discovered the Indies, but what he had really discovered was the Americas
