Monday, December 14, 2009

The Judicial Branch

This week we are discussing the Judicial Branch. Visit the following website: The Judicial Branch and read the information. Give a summary about the Judicial Branch, their job, and why we need them in the US Government.

Next, complete the activity Supreme Order in the Court. Once you complete this activity, tell me how many times it took to complete, what you think about the activity, and if it helped you to learn anything new about the Judicial Branch.

I expect your responses to be five sentences in length and you should answer by January 4th, 2010. Have a great Winter Break!!!!


  1. Robert Spencer

    The judicial branch of government interprets the laws. It includes the U.S. supreme court. There are 5 different types of courts in the judicial branch. They all have different levels of power. Some are for small crimes and some are for larger crimes.

  2. Good...did you complete the activity? If so, how did you do?

  3. Jessica Blythe ,

    The judicial branch is to make sure laws are constitutional , & then interprets them. In the judicial branch their is the court system is which the Supreme Court & justices are located. In the Judicial brach there is the fedral(national) courts and also there is the state level courts. there is the juvenile & family court, general court, district courts, circuit court of appeals , & supreme court. these are listed lowest to highest on the STATE level. Then we have different crimes which differentiate between small cases such as misdameanors where you are usually in jail for less than one year, for commiting a small crime to felanies which are more than a year, for worse cases.

  4. The judicial branch interprets the laws to make sure they need to be written. The court system is which the supreme court and justices are located. There is national and state levels in the judicial branch. They are the Disrtict Courts, the Circuit Courts, the court of appeals, and the supreme court.

    Brendan Silva

  5. Corey the best poulson:
    It deals with all the courts. From the lowest (General Disrict Court) to the highest (Supreme). It gives all the crimes taken place in the area or jurisdiction the right punishment for its actions

  6. The judicial branch makes sure laws are right and interprets them. The judicial branch includes the Supreme Court. The judicial branch is dual system which includes the federal and state powers.

  7. The judicial branch's job is to interpret the laws and see if they are constitutional. The judicial branch is a dual system which includes the federal courts which are national courts and the state courts. Each part of the courts have their own jurisdiction like how the Court of Appeals has appellate jurisdiction.

    - Austin McCaskey

  8. I GOT A 100% ON THHE ACTIVITY YAY LOL!!! :) :) :)

    - Austin McCaskey

  9. Austin, Great post- your answer is extremely detailed and well written...and yeah for your 100!!!

  10. Jessica, Wonderful post!!! You are the reigning queen of blogging :)

  11. So I dont care i scored 110 ooooo...wat now Austin LOL :)

  12. LOL...There's nothing wrong with a little competition :0) Good job Donovan!!!!

  13. Anyway On the activity i scored a 100..The supreme court interprets laws. It consists of the supreme court. They hold a court system of the federal and state courts. Also known as a dual court system.


  14. Darion Holliman
    The Judicial Branch is a dual court system which is made of state and national governments. It job is to interpret laws and to make sure laws are in check with Constitution. We need them in our government so that our rights are protected and that we are treated fairly.

  15. Darion Holliman
    I got a 100 on the activity.

  16. The Judical Branch sees if the laws are Constitutional and interprets laws. It is a Dual Court System made up of the State and Federal Courts. There are 3 United States Courts. There are also 5 Virginia Courts. Some courts can appeal decisions. I also got a 100 on the activity

  17. Great job, Daniel! I hope you are enjoying your break :)

  18. The judicial branch interprets laws. Its a dual court system of federal and state courts.each part of the court have its jurisdiction.


  19. The judicial branch interprets the laws. The judicial branch also includes the U.S. Supreme Court. This branch is a dual system that includes the federal and state powers. We need the judicial branch in government in order for laws to be reviewed to make sure that they are constitutional. We also need this branch in government to be sure that everyone is treated fairly and all laws are fair.

    ~Bobbi Robinette~ :)

  20. I got a 91% on the activity the first time I did it and I tried it again and I got a 100%.

    ~Bobbi Robinette~ :)

  21. Good post Bobbi, very detailed and informative-and great job on the activity-it's not that hard once you think about it, right????

  22. i gotta 100 on that activity.


  23. The Judicial Branch is a very important branch of the United States government. This branch interprets laws. They consist of the Supreme Court. There are three different kinds of courts. The lowest level of courts are the district courts. Next are the court if appeals and last is the Supreme Court. The supreme court has justices. Justices are judges.We need the Judicial Branch because of checks and balances. Also, they make sure laws are constitutional.:)
